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Post by Vash » Mon Oct 17, 2011 8:40 pm

The Headless Waltz


As above, so below, place your bets
Which way the head will roll
Made in your image we are at least
As twisted and mean as thee
'Fore your eyes, what a curious site
Your children have turned on you
And you say, you don't sleep well at night
Well, we'll take care of that for you

Belle Marie Antoinette
"Love the pearls!"
They'll make a great tourniquet
Never did as you should and you claim
It was all for our veryown good
'Twas a lie, a magnificent lie
Now, your subjects have turned on you
And you claim you had lots on your mind
Well, we'll take care of that for you

Get that damn thing off her neck
I'm the head of the board now I'm bored of her head
Sharpen up the blade boys, what are you waiting for?
Here's where we all get ahead!
Wipe that damn smile off your face
Or we'll lop it off clean with our new guillotine
Sharpen up the blade boys, what are you waiting for?
Here's where we all get ahead!

All my troubles, all my pain
Stems from this thing that you call a "brain"
Be my guest, sever me from the source
Of all my agony
What a shame, I've forgotten my name
Without the use of my brain and
"My, bet I'll sleep well tonight!"
Without this head of mine

Get this damn thing off my neck
I'm the head of the board now I'm bored of my head
Sharpen up the blade, boys
What are you waiting for?
Here's where we all get ahead!
Wipe that damn smile off your face
Or we'll lop it off clean with our new guillotine
Sharpen up the blade, boys
Bells are now tolling, soon heads will be rolling

Please Sir, for me, Sir,
Won't you see if you see, Sir?
Oh dear, I dread
I seem to have lost my head
I think I left it about
It fell to the ground
And I kicked it around
Has anyone seen, no need to be mean,
My bloody, fat, ugly head?
Please Miss, for me, Sis,
Won't you see if you see, Sis
It's got black hair
And it's kickin' about in the square
I'm really not totally sure but
I think that it might have rolled into the sewer.
Has anyone seen, no need to be mean,
My bloody, fat, ugly head?

"It was an octopus, centipede, spider kind o' thing, but they was a haff-shaped man's face on top of it..."

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Post by Claymore » Mon Oct 17, 2011 10:57 pm

Rammstein - Rosenrot
Sah ein Mädchen ein Röslein stehen,
Blühte dort in lichten Höhen,
So Sprach sie ihren Liebsten an,
Ob er es ihr steigen kann,

Sie will es und so ist es fein,
So war es und so wird es immer sein,
Sie will es und so ist es Brauch,
Was sie will bekommt sie auch,

Tiefe Brunnen muß man graben,
Wenn man klares Wasser will,
Rosenrot oh Rosenrot,
Tiefe Wasser sind nicht still,

Der Jüngling steigt den Berg mit Qual,
Die Aussicht ist ihm sehr egal,
Hat das Röslein nur im Sinn,
Bringt es seiner Liebsten hin,

Sie will es und so ist es fein,
So war es und so wird es immer sein,
Sie will es und so ist es Brauch,
Was sie will bekommt sie auch,

Tiefe Brunnen muß man graben,
Wenn man klares Wasser will,
Rosenrot oh Rosenrot,
Tiefe Wasser sind nicht still,

Tiefe Brunnen muß man graben,
Wenn man klares Wasser will,
Rosenrot oh Rosenrot,
Tiefe Wasser sind nicht still,

An seinen Stiefeln bricht ein Stein,
Will nicht mehr am Felsen sein,
Und ein Schrei tut jedem kund,
Beide fallen in den Grund,

Sie will es und so ist es fein,
So war es und so wird es immer sein,
Sie will es und so ist es Brauch,
Was sie will bekommt sie auch,

Tiefe Brunnen muß man graben,
Wenn man klares Wasser will,
Rosenrot oh Rosenrot,
Tiefe Wasser sind nicht still,

Tiefe Brunnen muß man graben,
What's a goon to a goblin? What's a shooter to a shotta?
I can boom shakalaka your medulla oblongata

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Post by beliefcontrol » Fri Oct 21, 2011 11:49 pm

Defeater - The Bite and Sting


I've spent days in this trench in the snow
Just my gun by my side.
It's cold and wet and you're all alone
Up keeping watch at night.

The bite and the sting
The bitter cold brings
Reminds you that you're still alive
The hope and the pride
That we all hold inside
Seems to break when another boy dies
The bite and the sting
The bitter cold brings
Makes you wish that you weren't still alive
The hope and the pride
We all hold inside
Seems to break
Seems to break.

We ain't seen no germans for days
We're just tired and sore
And it feels like I'm wasting away
So I drink from my flask to stay warm.
Every bomb miles away
Every faded engine cry
Still makes your heart start to race
Keeps you praying at night.

It's too quiet and too calm
For something not to be wrong
So we sit as brothers in arms.
So we wait and we shake
Hear the roar of the tanks
And the gunfire of the oncoming storm.
The ring in our ears
And the cold rush of fear

Overtakes us with the enemy in sight.
I stagger, but don't falter
I aim and pull the trigger
And we fight, we fight, we fight.

But it all happens too fast
The blur of the sweat in my eyes
For every man killed
Seems 2 of my friends fall to die

I'm down on my knees
Feel the pain in my gut
And the snow is covered in blood.
Crawl to my captains side
With his head on my knees
Says "see to it that my grave is kept clean"

Awake in a hospital bed
Just rows and rows and rows of dying kids.

And I know
That my whole
Infantry is dead.
Disillusion is common place.
Confusion, our fatal flaw.
Retribution, our sacred god.
Conclusion: There is no law.

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Post by Claymore » Sat May 05, 2012 2:57 pm

The Decembrists - The Shankill Butchers
По реални събития

The Shankill butchers ride tonight,
You better shut your windows tight.
They're sharpening their cleavers and their knives,
And taking all their whiskey by the pint.
'Cause everybody knows,
If you don't mind your mother's words,
A wicked wind will blow your ribbons from your curls.
Everybody moan,
Everybody shake,
The Shankill butchers wanna catch you,

They used to be just like me and you,
They used to be sweet little boys.
But something went horribly askew,
Now killing is their only source of joy.
'Cause everybody knows...
If you don't mind your mother's words,
A wicked wind will blow your ribbons from your curls.
Everybody moan,
Everybody shake,
The Shankill butchers wanna catch you,

The Shankill butchers on the rise,
They're waiting till the dead of night.
They're picking at their fingers with their knives,
And wiping off their cleavers on their thighs.
'Cause everybody knows...
If you don't mind your mother's words,
A wicked wind will blow your ribbons from your curls.
Everybody moan,
Everybody shake,
The Shankill butchers wanna catch you,
The Shankill butchers wanna cut you,
The Shankill butchers wanna catch you,
What's a goon to a goblin? What's a shooter to a shotta?
I can boom shakalaka your medulla oblongata

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Post by Ell » Wed Aug 22, 2012 4:35 pm

The Phantom of the Opera - Point of No Return

You have come here
in pursuit of
your deepest urge,
in pursuit of
that wish,
which till now
has been silent,
silent . . .

I have brought you,
that our passions
may fuse and merge -
in your mind
you've already
succumbed to me
dropped all defences
completely succumbed to me -
now you are here with me:
no second thoughts,
you've decided,
decided . . .

Past the point
of no return -
no backward glances:
the games we've played
till now are at
an end . . .
Past all thought
of "if" or "when" -
no use resisting:
abandon thought,
and let the dream
descend . . .

What raging fire
shall flood the soul?
What rich desire
unlocks its door?
What sweet seduction
lies before
us . . .?

Past the point
of no return,
the final threshold -
what warm,
unspoken secrets
will we learn?
Beyond the point
of no return . . .

You have brought me
to that moment
where words run dry,
to that moment
where speech
into silence,
silence . . .

I have come here,
hardly knowing
the reason why . . .
In my mind,
I've already
imagined our
bodies entwining
defenceless and silent -
and now I am
here with you:
no second thoughts,

I've decided,
decided . . .

Past the point
of no return -
no going back now:
our passion-play
has now, at last,
begun . . .
Past all thought
of right or wrong -
one final question:
how long should we
two wait, before
we're one . . .?

When will the blood
begin to race
the sleeping bud
burst into bloom?
When will the flames,
at last, consume
us . . .?

Past the point
of no return
the final threshold -
the bridge
is crossed, so stand
and watch it burn . . .
We've passed the point
of no return . . .[/url]
* * *
Ell Vas

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Post by Zeiss_optik » Fri Aug 24, 2012 8:27 pm

Малко класика:

Владимир Высоцкий

В сон мне - желтые огни,
И хриплю во сне я:
- Повремени, повремени,-
Утро мудренее!
Но и утром всё не так,
Нет того веселья:
Или куришь натощак,
Или пьешь с похмелья.

Эх, раз... дай еще раз...
Дай еще много, много, много, много раз...
Эх, дай еще раз...
Или пьешь с похмелья

В кабаках - зеленый штоф,
Белые салфетки.
Рай для нищих и шутов,
Мне ж - как птице в клетке!
В церкви смрад и полумрак,
Дьяки курят ладан.
Нет! И в церкви все не так,
Все не так, как надо.

Эх, раз... дай еще раз...
Дай еще много, много, много, много раз...
Эх, дай еще раз...
Все не так, как надо!

Я - на гору впопыхах,
Чтоб чего не вышло.
А на горе стоит ольха,
А под горою вишня.
Хоть бы склон увить плющом,
Мне б и то отрада,
Хоть бы что-нибудь еще...
Все не так, как надо!

Эх, раз... дай еще раз...
Дай еще много, много, много, много раз...
Эх, дай еще раз...
Все не так, как надо!

Я тогда по полю, вдоль реки.
Света - тьма, нет бога!
А в чистом поле васильки,
Дальняя дорога.
Вдоль дороги - лес густой
С Бабами-Ягами,
А в конце дороги той -
Плаха с топорами.

Эх, раз... дай еще раз...
Дай еще много, много, много, много раз...
Эх, дай еще раз...
Плаха с топорами.

Где-то кони пляшут в такт,
Нехотя и плавно.
Вдоль дороги все не так,
А в конце - подавно.
И ни церковь, ни кабак -
Ничего не свято!
Нет, ребята, все не так,
Все не так, ребята!

Эх, раз... дай еще раз...
Дай еще много, много, много, много раз...
Эх, дай еще раз...
Все не так, ребята!
Hemos pasado!

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Post by Claymore » Fri Aug 24, 2012 8:46 pm

NIИ - The Good Soldier

Gunfire in the street
Where we used to meet
Echoes out a beat
When the bass goes "bomb"
Right over my head
Step over the dead
Remember what you said

You know a part about life
Is just a waking dream
Well I know what you mean
But that ain't how it seems right here, right now

How can this be real?
I can barely feel

I am trying to see
I am trying to believe
This is not where I should be
I am trying to believe

Blood hardens in the sand
Cold metal in my hand
Hope you understand the way that things are gonna be
There's nowhere left to hide
'Cause God is on our side
I keep telling myself

I am trying to see
I am trying to believe
This is not where I should be
I am trying to believe

Five Finger Death Punch - The Tragic Truth
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ldwDw27 ... re=related

I'm drowning in the bottom of a bottle.
Running from a man I swore I'd never be.
No one ever has to face tomorrow.
But I'm the one that has to face me.

It's the demons I've created for myself.
The tragic truth.
It's hard for me to understand myself.
So it has to be hard as hell for you! (For you! You!)

Are we born to be broken, sinners, and thieves?
Someone tell the heavens I'm ready to escape! (You!)
This is not what I wanted not what I need!
Take it all, tear it all, rip it all away!

I can't say the Devil made me do it.
I chose to be the one I am, the way I am today.
I wish there was but there's no way around it.
In the end I made the choice and will not die ashamed.

It's the voices screaming in my head.
The tragic truth.
It's hard for me to understand myself.
So it has to be hard as hell for you! (You! You!)

Are we born to be broken, sinners, and thieves?
Someone tell the heavens I'm ready to escape! (You!)
This is not what I wanted not what I need!
Take it all, tear it all, rip it all away!
Take it all, tear it all, take it all, tear it all away!

Are we born to be broken, sinners, and thieves?
Someone tell the heavens I'm ready to escape! (You!)
This is not what I wanted not what I need!
Take it all, tear it all, rip it all away! (Away!)

Are we born to be broken, sinners, and thieves?
Someone tell the heavens I'm ready to escape! (You!)
This is not what I wanted not what I need!
Take it all, tear it all, rip it all away!
Take it all, tear it all, rip it all, tear it all! (It all away)
Someone tell the heavens to take it all, tear it all away!
What's a goon to a goblin? What's a shooter to a shotta?
I can boom shakalaka your medulla oblongata

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Post by moonlight » Fri Sep 28, 2012 10:29 pm

Владимир Высоцкий - Скажи еще спасибо, что живой
Подумаешь, с женой не очень ладно.
Подумаешь, неважно с головой.
Подумаешь, ограбили в парадном.
Скажи еще спасибо, что живой.

Ну что ж такого, мучает саркома?
Ну что ж такого, начался запой.
Ну что ж такого, выгнали из дома?
Скажи еще спасибо, что живой.

Плевать, партнер по покеру дал дуба.
Плевать, что снится ночью домовой.
Плевать, соседи выбили два зуба.
Скажи еще спасибо, что живой.

Да ладно, ну уснул вчера в опилках.
Да ладно, в челюсть врезали ногой.
Да ладно, потащили на носилках.
Скажи еще спасибо, что живой.

Да, правда, тот, кто хочет, тот и может.
Да, правда, сам виновен. Бог со мной.
Да, правда, но одно меня тревожит:
Кому сказать спасибо, что живой?

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