Kill La Kill

Банди върлуващи отакута... окапита... опосуми... така де, вашето next door аниме кътче
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Post by Xellos » Fri Feb 14, 2014 3:10 pm

Мдаам върви по план, аха аха и да има изненада ама не би.
„Ние можещите, водени от незнаещите, вършим невъзможното за кефа на неблагодарните. И сме направили толкова много, с толкова малко, за толкова кратко време, че можем да правим всичко от нищо. ... За мен най-лошото в България е чудесното наслаждение, което тук имат хората да се преследват един друг и да развалят един другиму работата.”

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Post by Amelia » Fri Feb 14, 2014 8:43 pm

Бе тва си беше яка врътка накрая. Доволна съм кат свинче в кочина! И ИСКАМ ОЩЕ ЕЙ СЕГА ВЕДНАГА!!!!!!!!!!

Още инфо за 4мата идиоти: ... anageyama/

Почва със Санагеяма, а ако браузнете надолу ще видите и останалите.

Гамагори. :heart:
Нищо чудно, че си харесва Мако. :)

Инумута съшо е некъф як!!!

PS. Това очаквах да се появи в някъв момент и то естествено не закъсня...
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Post by alshu » Mon Feb 17, 2014 12:43 pm

Kill la Kill ep. 18 - не че не беше шоу, ама прекалиха с family reunion-а. Трябваше да спрат на семейството на Мако. Е, дадоха обяснение за косата на Рюко. Интересно дали важи и за Тсумугу. Анонсът за следващия епизод беше в 70-тарски аниме стил :lol: .
The coffee had been steadily growing more and more execrable for the space of three weeks, till at last it had ceased to be coffee altogether and had assumed the nature of mere discolored water — so this person said. He said it was so weak that it was transparent an inch in depth around the edge of the cup. As he approached the table one morning he saw the transparent edge — by means of his extraordinary vision long before he got to his seat. He went back and complained in a high-handed way to Capt. Duncan. He said the coffee was disgraceful. The Captain showed his. It seemed tolerably good. The incipient mutineer was more outraged than ever, then, at what he denounced as the partiality shown the captain’s table over the other tables in the ship. He flourished back and got his cup and set it down triumphantly, and said:

“Just try that mixture once, Captain Duncan.”

He smelt it — tasted it — smiled benignantly — then said:

“It is inferior — for coffee — but it is pretty fair tea.”

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Post by Claymore » Mon Feb 17, 2014 7:46 pm

О май факинг год! :shock: Сега като се замисля, трябваше да се сетя, ама все пак... :shock:
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Post by Amelia » Mon Feb 17, 2014 8:12 pm

Еее, не беше ясно и нямаше истински индикации за това, докато не показаха таткото и бебето, а то се случи в тоя същия епизод. И аз останах удивена накрая и много се кефнах! 8-)
А Цумугу може да им е братчед.
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Post by alshu » Tue Feb 18, 2014 9:31 am

Ами не...по-скоро сходен експеримент...или просто по съвпадение си боядисва косата така...което е тъпо, но се вписва в хумора на шоуто :lol: .
The coffee had been steadily growing more and more execrable for the space of three weeks, till at last it had ceased to be coffee altogether and had assumed the nature of mere discolored water — so this person said. He said it was so weak that it was transparent an inch in depth around the edge of the cup. As he approached the table one morning he saw the transparent edge — by means of his extraordinary vision long before he got to his seat. He went back and complained in a high-handed way to Capt. Duncan. He said the coffee was disgraceful. The Captain showed his. It seemed tolerably good. The incipient mutineer was more outraged than ever, then, at what he denounced as the partiality shown the captain’s table over the other tables in the ship. He flourished back and got his cup and set it down triumphantly, and said:

“Just try that mixture once, Captain Duncan.”

He smelt it — tasted it — smiled benignantly — then said:

“It is inferior — for coffee — but it is pretty fair tea.”

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Post by Amelia » Thu Feb 20, 2014 9:58 pm

Хохохо. :spite:
Много голи мъже. И жени. И малко спенкинг.
Хохо. :spite:

:spite: :spite: :spite: :spite: :spite: :spite:

Количеството фенсървис в тоя епизод беше 120%. :lol:

Врътката с татето ме кефна, а Ира е ТАКЪВ сладур с тая неговата Мако... Дано и тя се осъзнае и му обърне внимание, ма квато е шматка мое и да не се случи. Ако Ира и Мако не се съберат накрая и не си народят някви десетки дечица, ще пиша протестна нота до японското министерство на културата. Също, надявам се искрено да нямаме Камина изпълнения в тва аниме, щото няма да ги преживея с някои от персонажите.

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Малко лигавщини от Тумблр, щото просто не е реално ква фенгърла съм им на тея двамата:





И малко Манканшоку дебилщини от днеска:

Like mother, like daughter:

And 5 minutes later SHE KEEPS STARING AT IT

:rollrofl: :rollrofl: :rollrofl:
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Post by alshu » Fri Feb 21, 2014 9:44 am

Абе златният кораб от къде е?
(Да, ясно какво искаш да кажеш с него.)
Страшно ми е познат обаче хич не се сещам.
The coffee had been steadily growing more and more execrable for the space of three weeks, till at last it had ceased to be coffee altogether and had assumed the nature of mere discolored water — so this person said. He said it was so weak that it was transparent an inch in depth around the edge of the cup. As he approached the table one morning he saw the transparent edge — by means of his extraordinary vision long before he got to his seat. He went back and complained in a high-handed way to Capt. Duncan. He said the coffee was disgraceful. The Captain showed his. It seemed tolerably good. The incipient mutineer was more outraged than ever, then, at what he denounced as the partiality shown the captain’s table over the other tables in the ship. He flourished back and got his cup and set it down triumphantly, and said:

“Just try that mixture once, Captain Duncan.”

He smelt it — tasted it — smiled benignantly — then said:

“It is inferior — for coffee — but it is pretty fair tea.”

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Post by Amelia » Fri Feb 21, 2014 9:59 am

Дали не е от Фантазия на Дисни? Не знам, ама и аз май съм го виждала преди.

От Питър Пан на Дисни било:
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Post by alshu » Fri Feb 21, 2014 12:39 pm

Е, не е от Фантазия...пък Питър Пан не съм го гледал...дали не съм гледал пародия на тази сцена...
The coffee had been steadily growing more and more execrable for the space of three weeks, till at last it had ceased to be coffee altogether and had assumed the nature of mere discolored water — so this person said. He said it was so weak that it was transparent an inch in depth around the edge of the cup. As he approached the table one morning he saw the transparent edge — by means of his extraordinary vision long before he got to his seat. He went back and complained in a high-handed way to Capt. Duncan. He said the coffee was disgraceful. The Captain showed his. It seemed tolerably good. The incipient mutineer was more outraged than ever, then, at what he denounced as the partiality shown the captain’s table over the other tables in the ship. He flourished back and got his cup and set it down triumphantly, and said:

“Just try that mixture once, Captain Duncan.”

He smelt it — tasted it — smiled benignantly — then said:

“It is inferior — for coffee — but it is pretty fair tea.”

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Post by Claymore » Fri Feb 21, 2014 2:12 pm

Представям си тъмблр и девиантарт как са избухнали след сцената в клетката... А Гамагори беше толкова смешен. :lol:
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Post by Amelia » Sat Feb 22, 2014 1:06 am

Ненам, аз не влизам в таговете на Сатски и Рюко, че ме е страх. :lol:

Отделно, двете ме кефят, но определено не са ми любимките в тоя сериал и съдбата им не ме вълнува кой знае колко. :lol:

Малко гифчета с Гатс, който беше особено епичен в този епизод:
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Това псе е по-яко от Буута.
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Post by alshu » Tue Feb 25, 2014 9:43 am

Kill la Kill ep. 19 - нещо прекалено ръшнат ми се видя епизода. И Мако я спасиха прекалено лесно и удобно. От друга страна доизясниха някои от загадките.
Какъв беше този анонс в края на епизода - че 20-ти щял да е последния телевизионен, а нататък всичко щяло да е web preview (каквото и да означава това).
Някой знае ли нещо повече?
The coffee had been steadily growing more and more execrable for the space of three weeks, till at last it had ceased to be coffee altogether and had assumed the nature of mere discolored water — so this person said. He said it was so weak that it was transparent an inch in depth around the edge of the cup. As he approached the table one morning he saw the transparent edge — by means of his extraordinary vision long before he got to his seat. He went back and complained in a high-handed way to Capt. Duncan. He said the coffee was disgraceful. The Captain showed his. It seemed tolerably good. The incipient mutineer was more outraged than ever, then, at what he denounced as the partiality shown the captain’s table over the other tables in the ship. He flourished back and got his cup and set it down triumphantly, and said:

“Just try that mixture once, Captain Duncan.”

He smelt it — tasted it — smiled benignantly — then said:

“It is inferior — for coffee — but it is pretty fair tea.”

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Post by Amelia » Tue Feb 25, 2014 6:22 pm

Мисля, че просто няма да имаме повече превюта на следващия епизода в края на епизода, а вместо това ще ги пускат в нета.

Това с Мако според мен беше, за да ни развиват Ира х Мако със стандартните за анимето похвати. Ако беше по-сложно и сериозно, щеше да е твърде сложно и сериозно за кретени като тея двамата. :lol:
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Post by Claymore » Tue Feb 25, 2014 6:36 pm

Доста готин фенарт:
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