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Re: Gintama

Post by alshu » Mon Sep 17, 2018 12:11 pm

While Gintama won’t be in Weekly Jump, Sorachi wrote, the manga isn’t ending. The reason, he continued, is that Jump has a system in which manga creator tells the editorial department half a year in advance that the story is coming to a close. At that point, it all starts wrapping up.

“But with Gintama, I misread this and for the past three years now I’ve been saying, ‘I don’t think I can wrap up quite yet,’” Sorachi wrote.

Thus, Gintama will be published in spin-off mag Jump Giga, where the manga can apparently get more pages, while Sorachi wraps up the story.

“I honestly would’ve preferred to bring you the story all the way to the end in Jump,” Sorachi wrote (via Kewl0210), “so I really have to apologize for screwing the whole thing up.” ... 1829051940
The coffee had been steadily growing more and more execrable for the space of three weeks, till at last it had ceased to be coffee altogether and had assumed the nature of mere discolored water — so this person said. He said it was so weak that it was transparent an inch in depth around the edge of the cup. As he approached the table one morning he saw the transparent edge — by means of his extraordinary vision long before he got to his seat. He went back and complained in a high-handed way to Capt. Duncan. He said the coffee was disgraceful. The Captain showed his. It seemed tolerably good. The incipient mutineer was more outraged than ever, then, at what he denounced as the partiality shown the captain’s table over the other tables in the ship. He flourished back and got his cup and set it down triumphantly, and said:

“Just try that mixture once, Captain Duncan.”

He smelt it — tasted it — smiled benignantly — then said:

“It is inferior — for coffee — but it is pretty fair tea.”

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Re: Gintama

Post by alshu » Wed Sep 19, 2018 9:31 am

Gintama.: Shirogane no Tamashii-hen - Kouhan-sen ep. 11 - продължава усещането "Ето пак сме със старите познати, но нещата не работят по същия начин." и "Целият прогрес от предните аркове беше хвърлен на вятъра.".
The coffee had been steadily growing more and more execrable for the space of three weeks, till at last it had ceased to be coffee altogether and had assumed the nature of mere discolored water — so this person said. He said it was so weak that it was transparent an inch in depth around the edge of the cup. As he approached the table one morning he saw the transparent edge — by means of his extraordinary vision long before he got to his seat. He went back and complained in a high-handed way to Capt. Duncan. He said the coffee was disgraceful. The Captain showed his. It seemed tolerably good. The incipient mutineer was more outraged than ever, then, at what he denounced as the partiality shown the captain’s table over the other tables in the ship. He flourished back and got his cup and set it down triumphantly, and said:

“Just try that mixture once, Captain Duncan.”

He smelt it — tasted it — smiled benignantly — then said:

“It is inferior — for coffee — but it is pretty fair tea.”

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Elder God
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Re: Gintama

Post by alshu » Tue Oct 02, 2018 11:12 am

Gintama.: Shirogane no Tamashii-hen - Kouhan-sen ep. 13 - нелоша серия с типичния просташки хумор познат от времето, когато шоуто беше добро. Най-любимите ми моменти: "Зоро" с шапката на Луфи и появата на Цукийо (естествено в най-неудобния момент).
The coffee had been steadily growing more and more execrable for the space of three weeks, till at last it had ceased to be coffee altogether and had assumed the nature of mere discolored water — so this person said. He said it was so weak that it was transparent an inch in depth around the edge of the cup. As he approached the table one morning he saw the transparent edge — by means of his extraordinary vision long before he got to his seat. He went back and complained in a high-handed way to Capt. Duncan. He said the coffee was disgraceful. The Captain showed his. It seemed tolerably good. The incipient mutineer was more outraged than ever, then, at what he denounced as the partiality shown the captain’s table over the other tables in the ship. He flourished back and got his cup and set it down triumphantly, and said:

“Just try that mixture once, Captain Duncan.”

He smelt it — tasted it — smiled benignantly — then said:

“It is inferior — for coffee — but it is pretty fair tea.”

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Re: Gintama

Post by alshu » Tue Oct 09, 2018 9:03 am

Gintama.: Shirogane no Tamashii-hen - Kouhan-sen ep. 14 - най-накрая свърши. Последната серия не беше особено смешна, до момента в който не почнаха да се извиняват (и да пародират Gyakuten Saiban) за цялата бъркотия с последните сезони и за това, че историята свършва наникъде. Поне за финал имахме няколко забавни минути.
The coffee had been steadily growing more and more execrable for the space of three weeks, till at last it had ceased to be coffee altogether and had assumed the nature of mere discolored water — so this person said. He said it was so weak that it was transparent an inch in depth around the edge of the cup. As he approached the table one morning he saw the transparent edge — by means of his extraordinary vision long before he got to his seat. He went back and complained in a high-handed way to Capt. Duncan. He said the coffee was disgraceful. The Captain showed his. It seemed tolerably good. The incipient mutineer was more outraged than ever, then, at what he denounced as the partiality shown the captain’s table over the other tables in the ship. He flourished back and got his cup and set it down triumphantly, and said:

“Just try that mixture once, Captain Duncan.”

He smelt it — tasted it — smiled benignantly — then said:

“It is inferior — for coffee — but it is pretty fair tea.”

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Re: Gintama

Post by Amelia » Mon Jun 24, 2019 9:41 am

Гинтама свърши, тоя път наистина. Финалът беше с обичайните за мангата мелодрами и лиготии и честно казано като финал предпочитам троленето в последния чаптър от Шонен Джъмп. Радвам се че приключи, щото накрая много наакаха работата, но Гинтама ще си остане едно от най-любимите ми заглавия на всички времена и смятам да продължа да гледам разни епизоди от нея до края на дните си.

Гин-чан е моят живот. :heart:
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