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Post by Trip » Thu Aug 30, 2012 8:59 am

Марфе, моментът с доказването на тезите отмина доста отдавна. Ще те замоля да прочетеш постовете на Цайса и да помислиш на кой точно пост стана вече кандидат за трол-лок.

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The Dragon
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Post by The Dragon » Thu Aug 30, 2012 10:31 am

http://www.howtospotapsychopath.com/201 ... ia-puzzle/
And then I realised. It's because those anti-gay people are, yes, gay - but they don't know it.

They're good, Bible-believing Christians. They had girlfriends. Now they have a wife, and children. They're pillars of the community, and may never have had any homosexual encounters at all.

But boy oh boy, do they ever want to have homosexual encounters. The cock, it calls them. It's been calling them as long as they can remember. But like a border collie that's never seen a sheep, they don't know what this urge within them actually is. For them, gayness is like the Dark Side of the Force, or the One Ring.

Now, it all makes sense. These poor men think it's like this for every man. They think that secret schoolboy assignations and sordid encounters in public bathrooms are as appealing a prospect for the rest of us as they are for them.

You're gay because you're weak, or perhaps, especially bizarrely, because you're greedy. You just have to fight it!

But straight guys don't have to "fight" an urge to have sex with men. Stereotypically, they'll fight to avoid it!

Being gay, but unaware of it, can fit quite neatly into other religious beliefs. God requires you to not be envious, to not be lazy, to not lie or cheat or steal; the Lord wouldn't have needed to tell you not to do those things if they weren't rather appealing. So gay sex must be the same. It's a sin into which one can, in weakness, fall.

If this is the way you think, then it becomes perfectly sensible to say that gay people, as a category like "Irish people" or "tall people", don't really exist at all. Saying you're born gay is like saying you're born a burglar.

I've no idea what's actually going on in the head of Ted Haggard...
Това описание да пасва на някой от тук пишещите? Хмм ....
The sinking of the Titanic was a miracle to the lobsters in the ship's kitchen.

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Post by Marfa » Thu Aug 30, 2012 11:16 am

Толкова много победа! :shock:
This octopus! Let's give him boots, send him to North Korea!

Image<-Подробно описание на нещата, които ми образуват нерви :twisted:

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Post by Interpreter » Thu Aug 30, 2012 12:42 pm

Въпрос към администраторите на форума: Темата е формулирана като "Равни права и функции на половете". Вместо това, в последно време тя силно се отклони към "Равни права на гейовете". Доколкото ми е известно, такъв пол няма.
Не е ли уместно подобна дискусия, ако тя е важна, да се отдели в друга тема - примерно "Сексуална ориентация и човешки права"?
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Post by tigermaster » Thu Aug 30, 2012 12:47 pm

Честно казано, според мен най-добре е темата да бъде затворена. И без това всеки, който имаше да казва нещо, си го каза по няколко пъти, а щом се стигна до заплахи за физическа саморазправа, значи дискусията е отишла в отходния канал.
Не виждам смисъл да се продължава.
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и изправен гордо пак стоя.
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