Avatar: The Last Airbender/The Legend of Korra

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Post by Amelia » Sat Sep 28, 2013 6:25 am

Един от най-любимите ми моменти в Аватар:


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Post by alshu » Mon Sep 30, 2013 2:14 pm

Новият епизод, пак нищо съществено с което да ме привлече, а хуморът с мечката-птицечовка си беше откровено тъп.
Поне имахме 1-2 кратки сцени с добър дизайн и анимация, а и Team Avatar се събра отново.

Най-добрият анимиран gif - Image

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Еска има потенциал да стане як герой и като антагонист и като протагонист. До сега си беше само злобна интровертна садистка. Сега може да израсне до първокласен злодей.


Бях решил да си трая на MLP темата, ама все пак се чудя какво искаха да кажат с тези имена на малките air-bison-чета в чаеното парти на Икки?
Едно закодирано здрасти за всички бронита или среден пръст "MLP е за малки момиченца" :lol: :lol: :lol: ?

По-скоро ми звучеше като "Ето среда в която може да общуват родители и деца.".
Други броно-филски или броно-фобски теории? :lol:
The coffee had been steadily growing more and more execrable for the space of three weeks, till at last it had ceased to be coffee altogether and had assumed the nature of mere discolored water — so this person said. He said it was so weak that it was transparent an inch in depth around the edge of the cup. As he approached the table one morning he saw the transparent edge — by means of his extraordinary vision long before he got to his seat. He went back and complained in a high-handed way to Capt. Duncan. He said the coffee was disgraceful. The Captain showed his. It seemed tolerably good. The incipient mutineer was more outraged than ever, then, at what he denounced as the partiality shown the captain’s table over the other tables in the ship. He flourished back and got his cup and set it down triumphantly, and said:

“Just try that mixture once, Captain Duncan.”

He smelt it — tasted it — smiled benignantly — then said:

“It is inferior — for coffee — but it is pretty fair tea.”

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Post by alshu » Mon Oct 07, 2013 2:56 pm

5-та серия от втория сезон на Korra с нищо не беше по-интелигентна или по-зрелищна от останалите (пък малкото хлапенце колко ми е противно, не е истина), но ми хареса повече.
Може би вече свиквам на новия мизерен начин за водене на шоуто :lol: .
The coffee had been steadily growing more and more execrable for the space of three weeks, till at last it had ceased to be coffee altogether and had assumed the nature of mere discolored water — so this person said. He said it was so weak that it was transparent an inch in depth around the edge of the cup. As he approached the table one morning he saw the transparent edge — by means of his extraordinary vision long before he got to his seat. He went back and complained in a high-handed way to Capt. Duncan. He said the coffee was disgraceful. The Captain showed his. It seemed tolerably good. The incipient mutineer was more outraged than ever, then, at what he denounced as the partiality shown the captain’s table over the other tables in the ship. He flourished back and got his cup and set it down triumphantly, and said:

“Just try that mixture once, Captain Duncan.”

He smelt it — tasted it — smiled benignantly — then said:

“It is inferior — for coffee — but it is pretty fair tea.”

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Post by Amelia » Mon Oct 07, 2013 7:54 pm

Мда. Аз живея с надежда, че най-сетне ще видим Огнената нация, Зуко и потомството му - май само за това го гледам тоя сериал. Сега поне взеха да говорят за тях.
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Post by alshu » Mon Oct 14, 2013 1:04 pm

Wow, верно без Korra било по-интересно. :lol:

Имаше fire vs water...върху преследващи се скутери.

Пък и best shot ever -
Spoiler: show
В кроя на серията мярнахме малко Firenation priests. Това е донякъде обещаващо.
The coffee had been steadily growing more and more execrable for the space of three weeks, till at last it had ceased to be coffee altogether and had assumed the nature of mere discolored water — so this person said. He said it was so weak that it was transparent an inch in depth around the edge of the cup. As he approached the table one morning he saw the transparent edge — by means of his extraordinary vision long before he got to his seat. He went back and complained in a high-handed way to Capt. Duncan. He said the coffee was disgraceful. The Captain showed his. It seemed tolerably good. The incipient mutineer was more outraged than ever, then, at what he denounced as the partiality shown the captain’s table over the other tables in the ship. He flourished back and got his cup and set it down triumphantly, and said:

“Just try that mixture once, Captain Duncan.”

He smelt it — tasted it — smiled benignantly — then said:

“It is inferior — for coffee — but it is pretty fair tea.”

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Post by Amelia » Sun Oct 20, 2013 10:37 pm

Предисторийката не беше лоша, въпреки ръша. Всъщност, заради ръща беше станала схематична и стилизирана като истинска легенда. И арта в нея кефеше. Но надеждите ми, че ще видим Зуко бидеха попарени отново. Оназ старица дето приличаше на Мей, не е Мей. :cry:
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Post by alshu » Mon Oct 21, 2013 9:37 am

Не, не е.
Дори не е важна за историята :? .

Мен нещо двете серии не ми харесаха. Имаше една две хитри идеи - примерно как пичът се опитваше да airbend-ва с движенията за firebending...ама космологията и същността на легендата (някакъв Прометей, който обаче някак се е харесал на боговете) не ме зарадваха както си мислех, че ще направят.

Арът - да беше готин и го докарваше малко в стил легендите от The Great Divide епизода на Avatar.

Между другото за анимация с подобен арт препоръчвам трите short-чета: Batman Of Shanghai



The coffee had been steadily growing more and more execrable for the space of three weeks, till at last it had ceased to be coffee altogether and had assumed the nature of mere discolored water — so this person said. He said it was so weak that it was transparent an inch in depth around the edge of the cup. As he approached the table one morning he saw the transparent edge — by means of his extraordinary vision long before he got to his seat. He went back and complained in a high-handed way to Capt. Duncan. He said the coffee was disgraceful. The Captain showed his. It seemed tolerably good. The incipient mutineer was more outraged than ever, then, at what he denounced as the partiality shown the captain’s table over the other tables in the ship. He flourished back and got his cup and set it down triumphantly, and said:

“Just try that mixture once, Captain Duncan.”

He smelt it — tasted it — smiled benignantly — then said:

“It is inferior — for coffee — but it is pretty fair tea.”

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Post by alshu » Mon Nov 04, 2013 12:39 pm

Още един не епизод, в който почни нищо не ме радва.

Сигурно ще се повторя - в семейството на Тензин се случват правилните неща, но по грешен и леко насилствен начин.

Единственото нещо, което ми хареса е пълна глупост:
Spoiler: show
Но пък ми задоволява отчаяното шипърство.
The coffee had been steadily growing more and more execrable for the space of three weeks, till at last it had ceased to be coffee altogether and had assumed the nature of mere discolored water — so this person said. He said it was so weak that it was transparent an inch in depth around the edge of the cup. As he approached the table one morning he saw the transparent edge — by means of his extraordinary vision long before he got to his seat. He went back and complained in a high-handed way to Capt. Duncan. He said the coffee was disgraceful. The Captain showed his. It seemed tolerably good. The incipient mutineer was more outraged than ever, then, at what he denounced as the partiality shown the captain’s table over the other tables in the ship. He flourished back and got his cup and set it down triumphantly, and said:

“Just try that mixture once, Captain Duncan.”

He smelt it — tasted it — smiled benignantly — then said:

“It is inferior — for coffee — but it is pretty fair tea.”

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Post by alshu » Mon Nov 11, 2013 9:39 am

10-та серия също не блестеше със сюжет, но пък беше красиво нарисувана и анимирана.

Камеото беше WTH? Не, че не е кеф да го видим пича, но е напълно излишно за историята.
The coffee had been steadily growing more and more execrable for the space of three weeks, till at last it had ceased to be coffee altogether and had assumed the nature of mere discolored water — so this person said. He said it was so weak that it was transparent an inch in depth around the edge of the cup. As he approached the table one morning he saw the transparent edge — by means of his extraordinary vision long before he got to his seat. He went back and complained in a high-handed way to Capt. Duncan. He said the coffee was disgraceful. The Captain showed his. It seemed tolerably good. The incipient mutineer was more outraged than ever, then, at what he denounced as the partiality shown the captain’s table over the other tables in the ship. He flourished back and got his cup and set it down triumphantly, and said:

“Just try that mixture once, Captain Duncan.”

He smelt it — tasted it — smiled benignantly — then said:

“It is inferior — for coffee — but it is pretty fair tea.”

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Post by Amelia » Mon Nov 11, 2013 8:54 pm

Ох, много ми е скучен тоя сезон. :cry:
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Post by alshu » Mon Nov 18, 2013 9:31 am

Та приключи втория сезон на Korra...определено доста по-тъп от първи, а и бюджетът за дизайнът и анимацията е по-скромен.
Финалът донякъде е с повече битки и по-пипната анимация, да кажем в стил Avatar. Изкефи ме, но пак не ми стана ясно защо и как "светлият" аватар победи и какво стана с другия. (Нали Вату не може да бъде унищожен напълно? Аз предполагам, че аналогично на предната ситуация, в момента той резидира някъде в Рава.)

За съжаление, последните две серии не мога да ги намеря с хубаво качество и най-вероятно ще трябва да чакам още седмица, за да видя bending porn-а в тях, като хората :lol: .
The coffee had been steadily growing more and more execrable for the space of three weeks, till at last it had ceased to be coffee altogether and had assumed the nature of mere discolored water — so this person said. He said it was so weak that it was transparent an inch in depth around the edge of the cup. As he approached the table one morning he saw the transparent edge — by means of his extraordinary vision long before he got to his seat. He went back and complained in a high-handed way to Capt. Duncan. He said the coffee was disgraceful. The Captain showed his. It seemed tolerably good. The incipient mutineer was more outraged than ever, then, at what he denounced as the partiality shown the captain’s table over the other tables in the ship. He flourished back and got his cup and set it down triumphantly, and said:

“Just try that mixture once, Captain Duncan.”

He smelt it — tasted it — smiled benignantly — then said:

“It is inferior — for coffee — but it is pretty fair tea.”

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Post by alshu » Tue Nov 19, 2013 4:42 pm

Вчера открих версии с по-добро видео на 13-14, та успях да се радвам като хората и на анимацията в тях.

Още едно съжаление - Grey DeLisle (гласът на Азула) имаше само две съвсем кратки роли. На скорпиона и на говорещата гъба в 13-ти епизод.
Да, страхотно ги изпълни, ама бяха толкова къси :( .
The coffee had been steadily growing more and more execrable for the space of three weeks, till at last it had ceased to be coffee altogether and had assumed the nature of mere discolored water — so this person said. He said it was so weak that it was transparent an inch in depth around the edge of the cup. As he approached the table one morning he saw the transparent edge — by means of his extraordinary vision long before he got to his seat. He went back and complained in a high-handed way to Capt. Duncan. He said the coffee was disgraceful. The Captain showed his. It seemed tolerably good. The incipient mutineer was more outraged than ever, then, at what he denounced as the partiality shown the captain’s table over the other tables in the ship. He flourished back and got his cup and set it down triumphantly, and said:

“Just try that mixture once, Captain Duncan.”

He smelt it — tasted it — smiled benignantly — then said:

“It is inferior — for coffee — but it is pretty fair tea.”

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Post by Amelia » Tue Nov 19, 2013 10:50 pm

Имаше яки екшън сцени накрая и това е горе-долу единственото хубаво нещо, което мога да кажа за този доста слаб сезон.
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Post by tigermaster » Wed Nov 27, 2013 6:27 pm

Току-що завърших превода на сезона. По някое време би трябвало да се появи по съответните места.

Както и да е, не мисля, че беше чак толкова зле. Че беше крачка назад от предишния, беше, но екшънът беше все така як, историята от един момент нататък стана доволно мащабна, а и епизодите с Уан бяха много приятни. Най-големият проблем, поне за мен, беше фактът, че през по-голямата част от сезона Кора вместо да е израснала след сблъсъка с Амон и всичко, което й се беше случило покрай това, сякаш се беше вдетинила още повече, което пък повлече и останалите образи, свързани с нея. Това, че половината герои демонстрираха някакви проблеми с бащите си, също не ми допадна особено, но се преживяваше.
Както и да е. Случиха се случки. Някои ми харесаха, други не. Сезонът е наследил някои от проблемите на предишния, например странното темпо и невинаги удачния хумор, и е добавил нови - по-статичната на моменти анимация и нещата, които вече споменах. Като цяло съм доволен и ако следващият е на същото ниво, няма да имам много против. Само се надявам да видим Кора пораснала. И повече да не я набъркват в любовни многоъгълници, че става досадно.
Света аз цял обходих
и изправен гордо пак стоя.
Срещнах милиони хора
и на всичките им взех ума.

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Post by alshu » Wed Feb 19, 2014 1:23 pm

Малко тийзинг за 3-ти сезон на Кора - http://io9.com/who-is-riding-a-dragon-i ... 1525109926

Видеото е доста мизерно и може да види тук - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrJiCf03UWQ
The coffee had been steadily growing more and more execrable for the space of three weeks, till at last it had ceased to be coffee altogether and had assumed the nature of mere discolored water — so this person said. He said it was so weak that it was transparent an inch in depth around the edge of the cup. As he approached the table one morning he saw the transparent edge — by means of his extraordinary vision long before he got to his seat. He went back and complained in a high-handed way to Capt. Duncan. He said the coffee was disgraceful. The Captain showed his. It seemed tolerably good. The incipient mutineer was more outraged than ever, then, at what he denounced as the partiality shown the captain’s table over the other tables in the ship. He flourished back and got his cup and set it down triumphantly, and said:

“Just try that mixture once, Captain Duncan.”

He smelt it — tasted it — smiled benignantly — then said:

“It is inferior — for coffee — but it is pretty fair tea.”

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